

Financial Planning: Goals, Manage Roadblocks, and Get a Second Opinion

October is financial planning month and a great time to review your financial situation. Regardless of what your goals are, financial planning can help you achieve them. Financial planning is examining your financial situation and designing a specific plan to help you reach your goals.

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How to be Smart Using Credit

Taking steps to improve your financial skills includes understanding how to be smart using credit before you ever open any credit account. If you don’t take credit seriously, you may run into issues when applying for a mortgage, car loan, or funding for education through a loan.

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What You Need to Know About National Retirement Security

National Retirement Security Week is October 17th through October 23rd. This week, Americans are encouraged to reflect on their retirement goals and determine whether they’re on track to reach them.

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National Savings Day: October 12th

October 12th is National Savings Day, a day designated to celebrate the act of saving and share simple ways to polish existing saving habits. Saving money doesn’t need to be difficult, as many people have already perfected the art of saving. Saving money can be fun if you simplify saving automatically as a financial resource for you to use later when you need it. When you’re aware of how to save, budget, and automate savings, you’re well on your way to successfully saving. Here are some tips to get you to start saving:

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The Time is Right for Safe Summer Travel

Finally, it appears that the time is right for safe summer travel while the pandemic numbers are low and people can safely distance themselves. If you’re thinking of planning a trip, here are a few trends to keep in mind to keep you and your family safe as you embark on your next adventure:

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Celebrate Women’s Equality Day in August

Women’s Equality Day is on August 26th and is a great time to reflect on how this event started, the progress toward women’s equality, and why the topic is essential. Let this article serve as why the movement toward gender equality still exists today. How did Women’s Equality Day first start? Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States based on sex. This day was first celebrated in 1972, designated by Congress in 1973, and is proclaimed each year by the sitting United States President.

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7 Simple Things to Help You Become More Financially Aware

National Financial Awareness Day is August 14th, 2021, and is a great time to examine your finances, work toward financial stability, and focus on how to become more financially aware. You can start building financial wellness by doing these seven simple things to help protect your financial future and increase your financial stability:

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It’s Back to School Time! Is Your Wallet Ready?

Back to school time is quickly approaching, and you may be dreading the hit to your wallet back-to-school shopping can cause. Paying for supplies like a new backpack and pencils, the back-to-school photo package, or fees for extracurricular activities can create an extra expense. But, creating a budget ahead of back-to-school time can help alleviate your stress. Here are a few ways to save money this back to school season:

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Is the U.S. Economy Recovering?

Since the beginning of 2021, signs of the U.S. economy recovering have started to appear. Americans are actively spending in specific sectors and some industries are faring well—while others are lagging. This contradiction illustrates a mismatched economic recovery:

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Financial Wellness- What is it?

Financial wellness means creating a healthy economic life for yourself and feeling good about your financial situation. It is also an essential part of taking care of yourself and those around you.

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