
Why did we choose “planBretirement” as our website address and theme?

Because Plan “A” rarely exists or works anymore.

What is plan” A “retirement?

Plan “A” Retirement has 2 versions. Version 1 is the 20th century retirement of your parents, grandparents, and, possibly a few contemporaries, where they worked for the same company for 40+ years and retired at age 65 with a gold watch, retirement party and a Lifetime pension with health care benefits, both adjusted for inflation.

Version 2, or the Boomer’s 21st century retirement: Retire with a “magical number” that will let you maintain your current lifestyle forever with investments that always go up, you never get sick and die peacefully in your sleep at 100 or live forever due to new medical breakthroughs!

Since Version 1 rarely exists anymore, big companies, states, and local municipalities have defaulted on, or reduced their retirees’ promised benefits; and, Version 2 is unrealistic, there was a need for a Plan “B” to help people prepare for their retirement.

Creating YOUR “Plan B” Retirement Plan

Creating and implementing a financial plan for retirement requires us to take a broad perspective. Our unique process of Discover Recommend Execute And Monitor is applied to help give you the retirement of YOUR dreams by putting all of the pieces of your retirement puzzle in place. Together, we create a plan based on your goals, the lifestyle you want to live in retirement, and the people, causes, charities and organizations you may wish to leave your remaining retirement assets. Our goal is to put a financial plan in place that fits your needs and desires so you can have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement! The only constant is change, so, together we continue to monitor your plan and adapt it to changing life events throughout your retirement. Your “Plan B is fluid not static!

James J. Bowers

Founder, Bowers & Associates

With over 33 years of experience in the financial services and insurance industry, Jim and his associates provide holistic planning services to help you put all of the pieces of your unique retirement puzzle together, with a one stop shop convenience.  His personal approach to clients is evident. “I sincerely care about my clients and their hopes, dreams, and concerns, and they get a real sense of that,” Jim says. Jim’s independent process is backed up by his fiduciary duty to act in his clients’ best interest.

To that end, Jim is affiliated with insurance, investment, and estate-planning associates dedicated to providing the products and services that truly fit the needs of his clients in order to help them accomplish their goals.

Jennifer(Bowers) Oguma

Director of Client Education, Bowers & Associates

Jennifer helps to select, present, and coordinate all educational workshops offered by Bowers & Associates, LLC.

Bryan Bowers

IT Director, Bowers & Associates

Bryan has an MBA and oversees all technology-related matters including website, graphics, and social media.

Plan For Your Future

There is no one “best place” to put your retirement money because each individual and couple has unique requirements, different tolerances for risk, and need their money at different times. Likewise, there is no one place to keep your money that fits everyone for exactly the same reasons. Your unique circumstances must be taken into consideration if you seek to find the “most favorable place” for your retirement money. This is where we can be of service.